Hope your new year is off to a great start!
We are starting the year strong and TFW and I wanted to encourage you to do something we just did in our gym.
We have a chalkboard wall and I asked clients to write down something they want to achieve by January 31st, 2019.
A simple goal, done in a matter of weeks.
There is a ton of power in the amount of time and physically writing it down.
The timing is short and concise. Long enough to change a behavior but not too long that we forget about it.
Then writing it down means you thought about what was important to you, then make it public. Even though we did not write our names next to it we will see it each time we are in gym.
Here is some of the goals:
Bed by 10:30pm
No alcohol in January
Make 4 workouts per week
Make 2 workouts per week
Lose 8lbs
No Chocolate
And there were many more! I am excited to see how everyone does this month and on into 2019.
If you are a member of our gym I encourage you to still write a goal up on the board if you have not already. Then if you are not a member, take a post it and write a goal down, date it by January 31st and let’s see what happens.
Again, Happy New Year!
If you have not heard about our next Transformation Challenge, take a look! It is one of my favorite programs we do!
Take care,